I’m sitting in a hotel lobby in London writing this blog post with my second “first 30 minutes of wifi are free” :) I’ll admit that 3 GBP for 24 hours wifi wasn’t in fact too abusive but… I hate paying for things I could get for free. So after a couple quick tests (I have 2 devices, a laptop and a wifi enabled cell phone) I realized these facts:

  • the information that’s input on the subscription form for the 30minutes free wifi isn’t verified.. not even a “confirm by email” (totally makes sense, how would you get the email if you don’t have internet access? Maybe they should do a first 30mintes free and a second 30 free IF and only if you verified your email address by clicking on a link from an automated email sent to the first address?)
  • I was able to get a second free session by simply connecting with my cell phone, the first session I used up with the laptop
  • clearing cookies / caches / private mode browsing changed nothing when done from my laptop, the platform informed me each time that I had (rightfully so) already used up the free session

Using these facts I realized the auth check obviously wasn’t cookie based.. but what sort of unique identifier could they be using to determine that I had already used my session? The first thing to pop into my mind was correct: MAC Addresses.

So tadaa, new MAC address, completely made up “username, password, and email address” == free wifi for evar!!1!

sudo ifconfig wlan0 down hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:01
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

Security by obscurity comes to mind… =)